Text Sex Poetry. A Sext and Response, 2024- 2025
A record of “sexted” poetry, and their replies.
Lumineers, 2025
I came to you tonight. To your hand over my mouth loud. Out of control. Finally getting what I wanted.. To the empty park. The field. Exposed. Cold. Naked. Cars passing just beyond the trees.. to You.. Asking. Pleading. Telling me. “I want to fuck you so badly” to you ripping your jeans off and thrusting into me. For the first time. Huge. Wet. Raw. Just skin. You feel so good in me. Yum. Uhh so good. Better than ice cream.. I can’t wait to sit on your kitchen counter and wait for you again.
Gn Jelly 🪼
Vibing to the limiters
You’ve Made Me Hard/ Little Cold Fingers, 2025
Before I left for class this afternoon i slipped my little cold fingers under my panties. into my pussy.. I came thinking about being scooped into you. Pain in my jaw. Pushing. Pushing my mouth open. Too small for machines. Giving. Too much. Pain.. and Pleasure. on my skin.. i came To the fire in your eyes as you looked at me. - Naked. Mouth pitched open by your favourite toy. Used on others. Shared. Soooo good at sharing. A skill rewarded.. so good.
I came to you Losing yourself in my sweet vulnerable surrender. Instant. Pale. Exposed. Trapped. You the keeper.. Your hand on your cock. Up and down. Your eyes on me. Up and down.. eyes. Down to my gaping mouth. My fingers snaked inside me. Hitting. Pumping. Working. Hard. So hard. A recreation incomplete. Lacking. Too small. Far too small. Walls still whispering your echo.. an echo purple and pink and longing. For Something bigger. Somethings bigger!.. Waiting. I came to the waiting. To The longing.. for your eyes, on me. To Your hands on you. To Your hunger on me. So. Hungry. To the moment you had me. To Your sweet feast. A bowl of raspberries. Salty and spicy and shared between tongues and open mouths.. in dark corners and public places.
I came to that moment. And to the moment you saved me. To the Pain too strong. To the Fingers too small. Saved. By something strong. And mean. And kind. I came to you. And to me. And I loved it.. this morning. Before class. Xx
You've made me hard
A Vehicle, A Source, A Vessel, A Gift, 2025
Adam loved my waist too. Thin and warm. And hardly holding what things you thrust inside of it. Squirming and tight. And reeling w pleasure. The source. ❤️ I love her.
Adam would grab w all of his fingers. His palms cupped pressure on sweat. Skin. He used me as the handle to his hammer. A vehicle for his force.
He would push me into floors and table with one palm. Hard. Placed where he could push. Push. And feel. Himself. Underneath. Inside. Where both of us could feel. His hard things. In me, through me. His hand baring down above my opening. He would finger me like that. My body his vessel too. We shared it. It was nice. A gift given. The ones that feel better giving, than keeping. :)
A vehicle, a source, a vessel, a gift. That I would love for you to receive. That I would love to dangle before you. That I would love for you to take.
I want to reread this when I'm somewhere I can get hard
Wet W Me, 2025
I came for you so exquisitely tonight. You were wonderful…Your hands on my pussy, on my tit, on my stomach. Wet with me. Like the last time. When you fucked me with somebody else. And then climbed on top to take yours.
You are always so warm. your mouth your skin. Inside. I felt you. pictured you. Looking back at me from across the ocean. With me. You came w me. Together. My rose, my fingers. Wet w me. I could taste us. Distance did not exist, at the top of that climb. Only our pleasure. Together. It was exquisite.
Tonight. I had your body. I hope. You have mine soon. Gn honey.
Wow, I loved reading that!
Sweet dreams!!
My Body is Your Library, 2024
Systems. Seeing. The slow reveal of your desire. The feeling of your hunger. Desperate. For me. About to be devoured. Being tamed -Us both.
Sacrifice -mine.
Worship -yours.
Surrender -your learning. My practice.
Pain. On my surface. Ecstasy. On my inside.
You watching, me see you. You watching, me understand. So fascinating. My body is your library, where I study. Your systems.
Driving, 2024
I keep feeling you on me. My skin. Shots on my surface. Lightning that never got to break. Your hands. Palms open to me. Still roam my skin. Trails. I’ll follow. Until I get you again. Until I ask you to retrace your steps.. Will turn into paths of fire.
I am going to savour this wait. Practice. It’s going to burn. X
Is that a song?
lol no
It’s a text I just sent you while I was driving.. and trying not to touch myself.
Good Fucking Lord, 2025
I'm nourished from deep penetrating connection. Love. Fear. Pain. I hold all of it raw. "Fire" "trouble" - fearless. I'd rather connect. To that soft vulnerable spot. Or not at all. Touch it. Squeeze it. Hold it until it wants to scream. Milk it. Every last drop. That hard to reach stretch. Mmh yummy
Sex is a big part of my essence. But I want to be let in. Freedom.
Good fucking lord... I need a minute to process what you wrote.